Entries by rogerhenriksen

Bonduelle participated in the IForm race

Bonduelle was a sponsor of the IForm race in Oslo on Saturday 30 May 2015. Thousands of fit ladies were served Greek chickpea salad with Bonduelle chickpeas.

GG Flax & sunflower seeds

Good and crispy bran bread with 28% fiber content. The klibrød is made from only Norwegian ingredients and baked in the bakery in Larvik.

Mjällom Oat Thin Cracker

Mjällom's Havre Tynnknekke is a golden-fried and tasty thinnknekke baked on oats and rye. Airy and thin, which taste good for breakfast or a snack.

Mjällom Rye Thin Cracker

Mjällom's Rug Tynnknekke is a rustic shortbread baked on rye and wheat, rich whole grain, healthy and tasty. Great with avocado, cheese or other healthy toppings.

Mjällom's Round Thinnknekke

Mjällom's Rundt Tynnknekke is slightly thicker, crispy and with good taste. Baked on wheat and rye.

Bonduelle beans in sauce

Protein-rich and healthy legumes and beans. Delicate products in tasty sauce. The products are ready to use, but are also good heated.